Primul album ambient al lui Rødhåd e liber la download

Rødhåd a lansat recent un nou album ambient, disponibil la download gratuit.
MOOD este primul release ambient/experimental de-al lui Mike Bierbach aka Rødhåd. Albumul conține muzică făcută în perioada 2017-2018, în timp ce Rødhåd lucra spontan, fără prea multe structuri de producție.
Albumul conține 18 piese și reprezintă o călătorie sonică intimă, ce include field recordings (înregistrări pe teren), drone și conglomerate de sunete subtile.
Mai mult, noul LP conține și câteva piese mai dezmorțite, într-un ton trip-hop/downtempo, precum „He Didn’t Seem The Kind of Guy Who Would” și „Pigeons Dancing On The Roof”.
Ascultă albumul complet mai jos. Poate fi descărcat gratuit de pe Bandcamp, iar dacă vrei ediția pe vinil, trebuie să aștepți până pe 10 iulie.
Artwork-ul a fost realizat de Silent Servant.
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1. A Huge Plume Of Ash Rose From A Volcano
2. Flying Between The Clusters Of Trees Without Buoyoant, Floating Wing Beats
3. He Was Beginning To Despair Of Ever Knowing
4. Like Sleepwalkers Ghosting Through A Dreamscape
5. Lions In The Supermarket Don‘t Sound Like Humans
6. Misty Fog Covering The Side Window
7. That Appeal Has Been Put Into Suspense By Reason
8. He Or She Will Then Drill Into The Pulp To Reach The Root Canal
9. Into Your Brain – A News Report Said The Line Carried 13,000 Volts of Electricity
10. No Forms To Fill Out, No Instant Check, No Waiting Period
11. The Film is About A Clown Who Leaves His Circus And Lives In A Building Near The Railway Station
12. She Wanted Her To Grow Up In A Nice House With A Backyard, So She Could Play
13. The Drawings Were Rearranged, As If By Magic
14. He Didn‘t Seem The Kind Of Guy Who Would Just Get Talking To A Stranger
15. Pigeons Dancing On The Roof
16. When They Returned Home After Midnight
17. I Wanted To Hold Her Close And Whisper In Her Ear That She‘d Be Fine
18. Good Bye My Love